Friday 16 March 2012

Smoking Causes of All To Vices.

Smoking is an activity which is very less environmentally friendly. Because cigarette smoke that spread around smoking can make people nearby could be exposed to coughs and respiratory illnesses. Smoking can make things worse, ranging from the financial point of view, health, success, and spirituality become a staple for your smoke. In 4000 there were in the cigarette toxins that can make people become paralyzed in a variety of activities.

Smokers can be categorized as two parts. First active smokers, the smokers who throw smoke in the lungs part - his to get pleasure from nicotine that smokers tongue papillae scattered. Second, passive smokers who inhale smoke from active smokers indirectly, thus affecting the lungs - pulmonary large term if continuously exposed to cigarette smoke.

Smoking can be said to endanger the health of all the organs of the body due to oxygen which will be spread throughout the body mixed with a material that is harmful to smokers themselves. So that the risk of death increases when the organs continue to lack of oxygen in the organs of the human body.

Maybe some people think that smoking is one of the activities of customs handed down by ancestors. But today is not his day to smoke, because it now has a different time from the days of our ancestors who did not smoke was venting from the activities that keep people quiet in the house. Therefore now is the time you can understand that smoking in this era should be replaced by a more profitable job you.

In terms of his own finances can be fatal if you say constantly - constantly smoke because you are addicted. Just imagine if you smoke 1 cigarette a day you can spend 1 pack for Rp 10,000 only, then in a month you can spend money Rp. 300,000. It was only for smoking which can bring disease. If you use that much money to save, then a period of 1 year you could save around 3.6 million dollars. Circumstances even longer if you continue to save on your cigarette money in 10 years then you will get an investment of 36 million dollars.

Health is important, and health is a point where you can do everything well. But if you are used to something less useful and make you become the fool because of cigarettes, then you probably will always live in poverty, declining health, and peace within themselves to be less good. Therefore, if you want change, then you should be able to understand that a smoke-free life can you do when you intend to and really want to release nicotine in you that health is always awake.

You can choose a healthy mind, you try to select the following option which if you like.

A. Healthy living, earn a lot of money, and like a lot of people because you do not smoke.
B. Declining health, little money, and hated by everyone because you smoke.

If you are aware of and understand the meaning of the above statement, then you can choose between two options above carefully. Maybe that old saying, "Life is a choice." You have to choose between "good" but in a way that hurts however briefly, or "bad" but you enjoy and feel cravings so that you fall in it.

Excess if you quit smoking now is as follows.

1. 20 Minute Quit Smoking

If you quit smoking after 20 minutes, then monoxide levels in your blood will be flowing normally. But smoking is still huge craze, and make you more vulnerable to continued smoking. Heart rate will come back down, the rhythm of the heart rate after you stop for 20 minutes to get back to normal.

2. After 2 Hours After Quitting Smoking

If you are strong enough to withstand 2 hours you quit smoking, your body returns to normal pressure, and heart rate gradually recovered. Maybe this time you can feel how powerful you quit smoking. Tongue will keep watering as this phase, because the tongue trying to eliminate nicotine after you quit smoking.

3. After 12 Hours to Stop Smoking

From this phase you are determined to quit smoking or is still craze. Because in this phase will be the contraction of your body so that substances monoxide and nicotine will be released gradually decreased. For that you should replace with nicotine gum which give a sweet taste in your mouth. So you will be easy to ignore the cigarette after the third stage

4. After 24 Hours After Quitting Smoking

Once you feel the day you quit smoking, then you can say a great person, because with this you are in the test phase to remove cigarette smoke from within yourself. This time can also be called a crucial time and if you can detach yourself from the cigarette smoke, the risk of heart attack will decrease to 20 percent of the original 80 percent chance of getting cancer.

5. 48 Hours After Quitting Smoking

Smoking can indeed damage early and kordiovaskular respiratory system, and can damage the edge safat part of your body. After 48 hours you quit smoking and end the peripheral nerve - the nerve endings grow back so as to make the hand or foot end portion having a sense of warmth. Then you will feel the joy of health in this phase.

6. After 78 Hours to Stop Smoking

Nicotine levels in the body at this stage would really - really clean and issued by the body. However, in this phase you will feel the culmination of a desire to return to smoking. But it is only temporary and wish you could hold it for a while. Headache, nausea, and psychological symptoms may occur when you stop smoking during this phase of 78 hours. It is suggested if you want to remove the nicotine in total and will not be repeated again, then you must be diligent in exercising, eating candy, and get used to living like eating healthy - nutritious food.

7. After 1 to 2 Weeks to Stop Smoking

In this phase you meninggkat derastis health level, so that you can work properly. In fact you will not be easily exhausted when you perform the activity or exercise. In this phase also will grow the cells in the damaged blood cells and oxygen levels in your self back to normal again.

8. Until a month 9 Months to Stop Smoking

Lung - lung cilia that you are able to make the mucus so that the lungs - you can be healthy lungs and clean again. The cilia hair will re-grow and produce mucus to neutralize objects that enter the body through the nasal cavity. This phase can say reduce the risk of lung infection - lung. Symptoms such as shortness of breath, cough, or asthma will return to normal and the symptoms will fade away by itself.

9. One Year to Quit Smoking

For those of you who managed to become an ex-smoker for 1 year, then you will reduce the risk of heart attack by 50 percent. By karenannya if you could be a tough guy, then somehow there must be the right path to being a former active smokers.

Of the excess above then you can make a strong man of all things that can poison the body inside yourself and benefit others who may poison the air around it. And you can be made a role model when you succeed in quitting smoking now.

Maybe my experience as a writer can make you become more able to appreciate money. Because I used to be a heavy smoker who could spend the most money from tuition I used to smoke. Because of my interest to friends smoke, then certainly infect me to continue to smoke. Perhaps of prayer my parents when I was in asked to stop smoking, then why do I feel guilty for my money I should burn yourself I can use for the benefit of others. Finally I think positive to be a former cigarette addict who used to be able to spend money to 18 thousand per day simply because cigarettes. And now I can breathe, have lots of money for my tubes and I use to study in public universities.

Experience is the most valuable thing that lifetime. Therefore, if you now want to end it, then pray and show to your friends to stop sucking the stuff that can make you addicted and spend a lot of property just because the nicotine.

Hopefully the way I have previously postingkan "How to Reduce Cigarette Smokers In Weight When Being" Makes you a better understanding of the meaning of life is more beautiful when there is nothing incriminating in you at this time.

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