Wednesday 23 November 2011

The Formula To Successfull.

Success is one of the most important parts of life. Success also includes maturity in the act of thinking and working. All that is known about successful people is a common thing to say. But do you know how to have a formula for success?.
The successful formula is a formula that ordinary people used to praise success. With this formula that make everyone rich, prosperous and live in comfort. Therefore, I will tell you how long as you can execute it. Because if something is not balanced with the action then it will not create a good thing.

Success is making people could have everything you want, and success could change everything for the better. Is in the interest if that success can come continuously. But you have to have principles in life before you become a successful person in total. The principles include how you can enjoy your life now and when you succeed later. And lest you be wise now to be successful later, the good nature of course you should use for your example as a successful person.

That success can indeed make people think positive, high-minded, and have a noble spirit of leadership. Therefore these properties do not have to think hard how you can achieve it. Because in achieving successful requires only how you used the positive things in it, and practice it can be such a great impact when you prove your success later.

Maybe that's how you have a basis of leadership for success. Everyone does want success for sure, but they are not quite know how to get success with a brilliant way. Therefore how would I go to to success with a good formula. Here's how and the formula:

Formula 1 +1 = 2

This formula I can now look at when you meet someone who is good and wise. Everyone I've asked how to be successful as well. From these conclusions, finally I get the gist of this formula. It turns out this formula is easy, when you get your ideas and thoughts that lead to the good then you need to use the action and the result is your destination.

For instance, if you want a nice bike for $ 17 million, then you need to use is how you can get the money. So work hard and work smart you can use to get it. Ntah you use the work, ask your parents or saving up to get the bike. As the goal is the motor for $ 17 million there, and finally when it got it you can buy the bike with satisfactory results.

From the example above can be concluded that the "1" is an idea or goal, plus "1" again is the act and the result is "2" purpose and joy that is in your heart. Maybe this way a lot of people who apply, because this way is very easy and simple. However, this is less than the estimated success, because it is less a way of enjoying the success of the process of achieving goals.

Enjoying the Process Thoughts + formula = goal

This formula contained of all the things that you can use in a way that is rather complicated to be applied. This formula also has meaning when you can enjoy your life with a happy way, then all the stuff about how the process of achieving success will lead to the enjoyment of the process. All that is in the process leading to this success you can apply when you thought a definite goal and you do not think about how the risks that exist in it.

Suppose you want a luxury home, you need to make a plan, how good when working on the process, and its inherent risks. And when the house began to be done and how much money is being spent. After all the data has been properly selesei made, then you do not need to think again all that is in your mind now. Quite simply focus on how you get along with luxury home contents. You need to know when you are doing your job to build the house how can you work with a relaxed, happy, and there are no thoughts. Once you follow all your tasks then your goals into reality.

Of these formulas can be taken if you have a "mind" then you should be able to "enjoy" the present situation and certainly you can "achieve" that you want. Because when you enjoy your job that you apply a definite feeling is happiness, and peace. Then it needs to know is how you can find success with this formula enjoy. This formula can be used by all people who have a definite purpose, and has no confusing though funds from debt, and can make you happy.

Alms formula 10-1 = 19

This formula is used by all the Muslims who believe in the science of this charity. Muslims in the world believe when giving part of his property for his good deeds, then God will give you 10 times that of the original. With this formula when in make sure you can get your wish when you have a very strong desire, and you give alms to the people who need the help. God will reward with an abundance of good fortune that doubled - doubled. As well as your wishes can come true with other people intermediaries who provide assistance to you.

This formula is believed to be the spearhead of all science success. Because in addition to you can have a brilliant idea, have a definite purpose, and you are always happy with everything you do. This formula has long been in the know, but people often forget with all the way. Because according to Islamic law also says that people who remember Allah gave this science are people - people who believe in Allah swt. Therefore, not everyone is familiar with the reality as it is.

For example, you have a view and interesting ideas to get the job done. You think your job as a bank clerk, and you start looking for info on how to get a job as a bank clerk. And you start menginfaqkan part of your property even though you are still in a state of shortage, but with the state of sincerity in your heart. Do not forget your daily prayer, fasting, and do good to all people in need. Once you always give charity to someone else who needs help, arrives - you arrive at work in a bank offer you an by your relatives. Then you accept it gladly, and you thank your relatives. Once you are offered a job, buy your food by your relatives, then you are guaranteed to get the job. Your feelings and your relatives to be equal - equally happy and you can get a job in a good way.

Alms of the above formula can describe various fortune so swift flowing when people need jobs. The formula includes the "10" is your desire and your sacrifice, "1" is your business, and the last "19" is the result of the effort that you want through intermediaries that God gave to you.

Indeed, all of the above formula is good, but if you can observe in selecting their own choice formula above with your sincere heart. And it all depends on who you apply all efforts for success. But everything can be balanced with how to enjoy that success. And there will never be successful if not always include a prayer that you prayed to god.

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