Thursday 20 October 2011

Useful Of Knowledge

At first glance you definitely mengetaui of useful knowledge, in the sciences of Islam says if it continues to spread in, the useful knowledge will be exchanged for a beautiful paradise. Science it is easy to find and easy in just changed, but if you make science as daily needs - day, then science will never forget it from your memory. Everything does require knowledge for the benefit of themselves and others. When you're learning anything definite need to know how to learn correct. Well that's why learning the right way is the best science in the world.

While you can learn, then learn to achieve beneficial knowledge and do not stop learning until the end of your life. No need to when you have to learn, now, later, or when you get older can learn, because you will learn to create new discoveries and insights which you do not know.

Learning it can make a total change from the mood, habits, and even your behavior can change for the better if you want to apply useful knowledge. Because science can change anyone, and redeeming the science of it as possible so that one day you'll have children that science certainly fall into your child or grandchild. Remember the saying "the fruit does not fall far from the tree". Then you as the prospective parents are required to provide a good example for your children so that the next generation could be made useful knowledge was to follow.

Useful knowledge will always change the life of this world from day to day until the year-on-year. Nowadays a lot of science in the developed world is the internet. Internet meruoakan staple for most people, because of all the things that can be asked or can share over the internet on various social networking sites. Example is, all teenagers, adults, or the elderly to use this website sekalei in because many users.

If you want good science, then you are required to know how to make it possible to acquire useful knowledge. Perhaps the following I will describe how to obtain good science.

- Try something new

Trying new things you can use in different ways every time you move or think about something, try to think of something that might be impossible to look at. You will be one of the great imaginary when you are doing this exercise your imagination. The new science depends on the inspiration of the creator, but this is the way that your imagination can still serve to stimulate your right brain in order to think lightly. Just try to think of new things like "what if the world was filled with dense forests." "If the world is moving to the planet Mars, how oxygen there ya".

All of it can make your mind calm and everything you think of a new thing to inspire others. Thus the new things you use to make science useful to you and others.

- Learn from others

After a while you can understand how you to understand how to think about new things, then learned to others so that your mind does not slip. To establish a way to appeal to others then look at all the people want it and let the people patronizing you. Obvious example is when your teacher speaks, note, do not speak for themselves or joked with others. So that useful knowledge for you can apply in your life later.

Other people are the source of future will you travel today. Expand to get along with other people, and you can let other people know the character belahar sapai useful knowledge for you personally.

- Use creativity

Creativity comes from anywhere, ranging from self (your talent), Other people, as well as from the environment around you. Creativity that can arise if you are not in a state of distress, and therefore if your mind is still distressed by the burden of a day - day, you should be able to have fun - fun that your mind can be fresh again.

Use your creativity to create useful knowledge anymore, for example, you should be able to sing because you are a singer, or you are a businessman then you should be able to be a good leader. How can you be creative in those fields. Sample only if you are a singer, then your mind might have a different perspective with other vocalists. You use a loud voice, or you use a high-low tone when singing a song, and so on. It is intended that all of you can be a creative person who can acquire new knowledge and useful knowledge.

- Choose a good way

Do not use your career to something that is not appropriate in the public view. Example if you usually drink alcohol, then you are going to use alcohol as a staple. Granted it was creative, but you will ruin the future of everyone if all of them use alcohol as an ingredient for life - today.

In terms of religion also tells us when something is good then it will be good anyway, and if instead it will get things setimpa. Then redeeming your knoweldge for the better and more beneficial for oneself and others.

- Worship

Do not forget when you've got the knowledge you would expect, bersyukirlah to the Creator so that later on in your life blessed and given a new thing anymore. Worship will always reassure your mind that has been burdened in this world. Thus the function rather than religion is to appease the souls of all people to be able to do good with other people.

All you want is what you get when later understood about religion. Worship at night will be better than in the daytime. Because the night tends to silence and quiet your mind focused on making a good thing. If in Islam perbanyaklah tahajud prayers at night so it'll be given an idea of ​​the Almighty God to share knowledge for the benefit of you can continue to flow until the end of this life.

Everything in the above post is true from personal experience, other people, and friends - friends who were near me. So the above are guaranteed to make you gain useful knowledge from all aspects of life.

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