Monday 2 January 2012

How to Reduce Cigarette Smoker At At Being To Serious .

Is a lot of heavy smokers in the Indonesian state, especially in adults who have long been a heavy smoker who became prime sugguhan when holding an event. However, many people have been fooled by the smoke which has been a burden on the society and especially the economic problems.

Heavy smokers could spend selauruh cigarettes in just one day. And heavy smokers feel uneasy when there is no smoking at any time to accompany the move. It is therefore possible that cigarettes are there how to handle not being kencanduan for adults and young people who are now increasingly prevalent to try out the "smoke devil" who had been fooling them.

Previous examples of the impact smoking has been given by the government to reduce cigarette users or smokers in Indonesia that can be developed in terms of financial as well as health. Examples of the effects of smoking have been given government may like the following.


Cancer is a major factor of the respiratory effects of smoking, as it is very prone to cancer if cigarette smokers continue to consume excessively. Cancer is caused by cigarette smoke are: lung cancer - lung, oral cavity pharynx, larynx, esophagus, pancreas, urinary bladder, renal pelvis, and other disorders that can lead to death very quickly.

Respiratory system

Indeed respiratory system makes one very important channel of human life, and the respiratory system is very vital once if clogged and result in disease akhibat cigarette smoke. Disorders such as COPD, Acute Respiratory Illnesses Including pneumonia, and others - others. Therefore, this disorder is very dangerous for human health are the most important part of the respiratory system.

With the above hazards can be sure everyone understands the ban. But when was addicted cigarette smoke, then all the restrictions would ignore such calls are not useful. And with conditions like that is why people want to quit smoking at the time to be a heavy smoker.

Valuable experience of the authors that smoking can be removed with a simple and easy way. And maybe with a little trick you can make a heavy smoker can transformed into anti-smoking. This experience also in writing through media sources that had been a heavy smoker and can now finally stop and did not smoke at all. Here's a way to reduce cigarette when a heavy smoker.

1. Ignore Smoking

Ignoring Smoking is a little harder than usual. However you can avoid it in good faith and sincerity that you can stop now. With your intention to stop the all items related to smoking tools such as ashtrays, lighters, and other then you survived the first stage of the dangers of smoking.

By ignoring the goods - goods that triggers you to smoke then you can breathe a sigh of relief for the next day. Maybe you still can not stop to smoke. However the intention and your personal willingness and without any coercion from others, then you are able to quit smoking and save your health from the dangers of cancer causing death.

2. Suggestion

Suggestion is the current trend, and this suggestion could change anything related to the state of the human body. This way you can describe cigarettes as an enemy or describe it as an item that you do not know your life. Suggestion to eliminate cigarette smoke is a potent second stage and you can practice by eliminating smoking-related thoughts and you are not familiar at all with the stuff. Just like lost memories are made - made and think that you never use and the name of the goods that could make matters worse.

3. Community

Communion is indeed one of the most potent phase, as supported by your friends who do not smoke, then you can make the community as a tool to quit smoking completely. Tell your friends that you now do not smoke anymore. Then your friend will help you and make you as a person who has escaped from the danger of cancer.

This communion is often used as a seminar on the dangers of smoking to health by an agency Liberator cigarette smoke. Because in this way it outright, you can reduce spending simply because cigarettes are not any good.

4. Often Reading

Read the book in e-book or anywhere on the dangers of smoking. At this stage you can be a person who really - really care about your health and the current state. Arikel read on the internet about the benefits of quitting smoking is to be one way that you can stop smoking completely. And spread the way of the articles you read to your friend that if it can support you to quit smoking.

5. Use Cigarette Substitute

In the fifth stage you can use a substitute for cigarettes when you are still enamored with the cigarette smoke that can make you addicted. Can replace the sweet taste of cigarette smoke such as candy, snacks sweet, sweet carbonated water, and others - others.

This way you can successfully quit smoking in a way that is good and right. This stage is very menjur once used by doctors and therapists to make you get rid of cigarette smoke. You can use sports as a saturation of the first replacement you used to smoke, or you can do the work that you have created yourself so that you can stop smoking completely.

But it - it if you use the above method only for reading material and not practiced at all. Maybe a short but very meaningful way over, because by using this way, people will not trouble to save and maintain their health because many cigarette consumption by teens and parents today. Intention is one of the main factors, and if you do not wish to terminate your cigarettes, your life could possibly be worse because you pay less attention to the state of your economy and health in old age to come.

Hopefully you quit smoking, you can be a man who has a treasure of wealth, health, and spirituality of the Almighty God. Amen.

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