Thursday 16 August 2012

In order for Calm Mind,

Mind is one of the ingredients to make people think and can be very good at making things. The mind can make anything come true. Because the human mind alone could do anything with a mind of a very good man. Perhaps the human mind can create a new invention which if the need for the future.

Yet most people do not know if it could have been sick mind or tired as many think. The cause was a severe depression when people are thinking about something that is fairly important. So with this state of mind you could have damaged the fragile items like such as. Therefore you need a way to calm the mind in order to prevent and treat it all happen with the total.

The occurrence of heavy mind when ordinary people might think of something fairly not good for health. For example, when thinking about past bad experience, think of others that if it was not important and now together again, and so on. The example is owned by most people, because all people need a way to make things better.

But with humans think could be better than ever in this life adversity. Improperly when people can do as they wish without thinking. Therefore you need a better way to eliminate negativ mind and headed to a calmer mind. Maybe a little way to make you more calm in this life.

1. Worship

Worship does make the mind calm and able to think clearly. More complex when you think after practicing well. When you've selesei it in worship, then your mind float far ahead. So you can create a new mind in thinking.

Worship you can use if your dhikr islam, and with solemn prayer can make you better understand the meaning of life. Do not think about anything except how you worship. Because this way you can make your own mind can be better.

When night before dawn, you can worship in peace and now also makes the mind becomes cool again. Do as you ask God Almighty that you are given guidance and direction to become a better person. Be thankful when you're worshiping, because you more than the others who are still healthy, still give a lot of power to make a living. Perhaps the later worship can make you more mature and better able to be a good person.

2. Giving alms Or Some treasures

Alms for the people of Islam are compulsory in the current month of Ramadan. Because the charity you can enable sailed to become more generous when you have a treasure. Because it is partly your treasure to be handed out for the mind because you are not directly learn how you thank yourself. So that makes your heart happy and excited.

From this time until later when you get a windfall that you can achieve, try to mensedekahkan to others who are more in need. Lengsung then you will not get DAK hidayat grace of the creator of nature.

3. Draw Religious Science

Studying it must be accompanied with sincerity that stems from your heart. Because with an education can bring fortune could ever achieve a calmer mind. Therefore this method for future use. A part of you is useful knowledge that is given by your parents. Therefore learn to be a person who can gain knowledge well early.

Do not have the word complain when you're studying success, or the sciences related to avail this life. Because you are studying with your life as if you could use as possible. Do not be shy to ask if you do not know the meaning of an education.

4. Often Reading Books Positive

Reading a book can bring positive good thoughts, and the thoughts that usually tend to like a positive thing. Therefore redeeming the book that can make you more positive in a wide variety of life in the moment. Using a book every time you do any confusion that might be making you into a bad mind will make you think more could be fresh in the future.

Take your time to create a new discovery when you can read a good book, and a positive science can be transmitted kesesama. And in this way as if the negative thoughts go away by itself so that makes you more confident in acting and thinking.

5. Refreshing

Perhaps some part of the human will forget how to appease the soul and spirit. And maybe some others can control how to get rid of negative thoughts. But it was not complete when you have a plan for refreshing Belung. Because with refreshing will make yourself more useful than ever before.

Such as you go to a place that is more inda and better, such as mountains, lakes, rivers, forests, waterfalls and so on. The goal is that your mind is calmed down and can think better return. Most people use this method so that the mind becomes calm again.

Perhaps in this way you can better appreciate life as possible and make it as material for your perlajaran future. And in this way can make you understand about this life that pernuh with twists and turns color better life.

Understand about life will indeed make you more successful in the earlier appeal in your life. Untu calm mind is very important when you are in difficult circumstances. Success can be achieved if you have a calm mind, and you can achieve success when you achieve the best possible with a good feeling.

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