Wednesday 24 October 2012

Devoted To benefit the Parent,

Dutiful to parents can make life becomes more and more valuable than you think. Because living with parental guidance as to smoothly and there are no obstacles whatsoever. Parents who gave birth to and raising from childhood to adulthood to make themselves into a very sacred when you are in prayer by parents.

When you are educated and given little direction well so that you can better understand the meaning of this life well. And can make you a man is more precious than usual. Therefore to membentu glorious future then you need to be filial to your parents in raising you from childhood.

Sunguh can make you be filled with goodness if you want to worship with their parents. And will flow continuously when fortune with you from childhood to old want to be filial to your parents. Maybe you will get a disaster or imminent threat, but if you are dutiful to parents so all the calamity that will befall you easily eliminated.

Perhaps this definition, when God gives you life as intermediaries are your parents, and when you live and was raised until now as intermediaries are your parents. Parents are the cutting life of the time there are no humans until the present is full of blessings. Therefore berbaktilah to your parents as you love the creator who gave you life in this world.

That way everyone would want to be the best of yourself to others. For example, the first President of Indonesia who want to shape this country well and can make peace in the beginning of the start is devoted to the motherland and sungkem worship in the presence of his mother. Until finally able to create all things in dreams - dreams.

Benefits you can achieve when you want to devote to parents are as follows.

1. Being a Good Person

Being a good person is so vital for life, and others certainly appreciate what is given to all of you good people. Because being a good person can make you become more valuable in this life. Because life can make other people feel what can be felt by our neighbors.

No other when you make your dutiful to parents. Parents always make you better and make your life more colorful in it. So that you can make this life can be run in accordance with ideals - ideals together creates a more harmonious life. Kindness will make people become very meaningful and more daring in reaching this life. So that the benefits of involving parents devote to this in your life right now.

2. At & Love Many People

May be a role model when you could be with familiar to parents and dutiful well. Because of the way filial to your parents probably many things that happen to you can be reached. With filial to parents so others can understand that you are a good person who does not like deny people who are older and can be a role model together.

When you can devote your life to change the total so that you can give your wishes to be able to set yourself up perfectly. Well you can give what is best for your parents better understand what's in the future. your life can be bright when you can understand what the expectations of your parents told you.

3. Cita - Cita Reached

With filial maybe you can be successful when you can achieve the goal - your goal. And with this you can get anything you want. Afterwards use a good way to manage your success as well. Because it is the goal - noble ideals of your parents.

It's regrettable when you can not dutiful to parents. So you chained from the mortal world. So berbaktilah to your parents that later was to become the successful and achieve goals - your goals that you want.

4. Many Fortune

When you go looking for a fortune, you become the less fortunate. And you can not give all that you dream - aiming for your family. Then so you can a lot of luck, berbaktilah to parents in order to give all your wishes to your family.

Because the prayers of a mother and father is sacred and must happen. Ask your parents to let you succeed in achieving its goal - your goal. That way all your wishes can be achieved fully.

5. Happy Life

Happy life can be achieved by everyone. And people say life is good at the start of the blessing of the parents. Therefore if you are filial to parents, helping parents, and devote yourself to your parents, you could undoubtedly be among the most valuable in life.

With begiti you could happily ever after and can give your parents the best thing in life. With happiness in yourself and your parent's life will be more colorful and there will be no serious problems come to see you. Use a good way to be filial to your parents in order to give you the best things in life.

To create all of the above, is needed so that way you can be filial to your parents now. Because if later you are in residence by the parents to the afterlife, then you can no longer serve. Therefore berbaktilah start now so that you live a happy selamannya.

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