Tuesday 19 March 2013

7 Identifying Character Couples..

Getting to know your partner is one of the things that can make your relationship more closely. And know it can make you make a romantic person in the eyes of the idol's heart. That way you can marry your partner with a romantic way. Is not it wonderful if your relationship with your partner can smoothly until you get married later?.

Maybe with your feelings can make you more yield and more confident when you want to express something useful for your partner. And your partner can make yourself more valuable than others or their friends.

By getting to know the character of your partner can make you marvel at all the things that exist in itself and you can create a new character to him. So you can make changes that are good for you and your partner. A little way below might make you more familiar with the character of the couple. Here's how:

1. Getting to Know How to Talk With

The first way to know this is can be seen from the first glance you meet with couples. And in this way it makes you really get to know the character of your partner. That way you can to set yourself up as the assessment is appropriate for your partner. How to talk to is important when a relationship with a partner. Because in this way a couple can get out of character. May be good or otherwise. That way you can choose the perfect match for you.

2. Recognize the Behavior

Behavior can identify at any time, especially if you're in love with your partner. Maybe some of you can spend your day to sms, phone, and chat with your partner. When you get to know him more closely, then you can recognize the partner's behavior is very important for your relationship after marriage later. Then use how to recognize the partner's behavior in order to make you more confident.

3. Face Shape

Maybe this can make you taboo when you look at your spouse with your face shape. Because it might be different - different between you with understanding the other person. Shape of the face does not mean pretty, handsome, or ugly. But the shape of the face can be interpreted if you could see his face filled with a radiant face, it can be ascertained with a good foster home. And when his face rather pale, and unsightly, may be less able to foster relationships your family later.

It is rather difficult to accept when you are disappointed with the shape of the face pair. But those who lose weight betaba always love you now. Do not disappoint your partner without definite reason, because all there is karma and karma will come back to you all.

4. Body Shape

Body is one of the most important things, and the body can give you everything. Ranging from visible to invisible :). That way the body shape can be interpreted as a way to recognize the character of the couple. Maybe with your body shape can make confident or vice versa. It could be a wide body shape, small, tall, short. With the fourth body shape may be interpreted as follows:

Width: This form can provide shelter for the family. However great his will and could not in dispute even though there is a mountain that would happen.
Small: This form is usually loyal, understanding the will of a partner, and can make a good role model when a family later. However, as this character does not have a lot of ideals - ideals, and always obey the couple.
Height: Body type like this usually have much appetite, and steadfast in his stance. Always making trouble in his own way. And always loyal friend in friends.
Short: Posture has a character like envy, jealousy, and could not help myself. But can find many opportunities to be successful.

With the character of the body shape you can make a plan for how your soul mate later when fully grown. And do not regret all the things that have happened to you and your future spouse after marriage.

5. His family

The most important thing is to know how the character pair families. Because the family know you could recognize your partner further. If you are matched with a family, then you can make yourself the luckiest person for couples. And if instead it's all up to you to decide your future.

6. Daily

How to form families and the Sakinah family that can provide guidance for others?. Possible unity by looking couple and vote, if you match with your partner or not at all. This way you are sure to understand how you should act when you're getting from your partner's problems. And may be said you are able to change your future for the better.

7. Worship

The most valuable thing your partner is puja offer our worship and gratitude to the Creator of this universe. And when couples always remind or invite you to worship then do not ask anymore, you can make him your life partner is so precious and can understand you in every thing you want.

Worship is one activity that can transform yourself into a better person. And desires can be achieved if you worship. So those who always worship you choose as a life partner, do not disconnect if you do not want to regret it. Because the couple is learning from yourself to the crowds. Then look better than ever.

Maybe in a way - way above can make you more valuable and more can make you go back to the right path. Your relationship with your partner can make yourself better and more appreciative partner. Marriage is easy, but to form character couples families and all the things you can do is a very high degree of difficulty.

Hopefully you can get a better mate when you are a couple who get to know the character of your partner. And may God be with you as you worship the creator of this universe.

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