Monday 3 June 2013

Smoking Benefits To Communities..

Menajadikan you people smoking is bad, and everybody hates when you smoke. When it's time if you use a good way to convert it to understand more about the meaning of health. Smoking is not prohibited, but smoking is bad for your health. Thus if you are a good person then shun smoking to be a good person.

But on the other hand smoking has benefits for social life. With the number of smokers in the world with the cause is depression or just try - try, then certainly less than 69% of the people in the world smoke. Therefore how can you can make it as a step to get through it.

That smokers tend to be able to solve the problem properly. But if you are a heavy smoker then cut back, because smoking is not good for your health. Especially when you are entering old age, smoking is strictly forbidden to you who has over 60 years of age.

But this time I will explain why a lot of people in this world who smoke. For the following reasons.


Maybe a lot of people who say that you can smoke as a natural depression that you and your family. With the number of people who smoke, then there are many people who often do something stupid like a heavy smoker. Actually smoking is okay as long as it is not excessive. As a mere runaway cigarettes can indeed be your friend for a while if you are a deep depression.

Loss of Identity

Loss of identity is difficult to be cured, because of several factors, namely broken love, guilt, loss of a loved on, and so on. Maybe the smoke you can make yourself more valuable and have a friend for a lonely day in your life when getting into trouble.

Try - Try

Feeling try - try this is a thing that is often experienced by young children. And with curiosity curiosity is greater than the desire to not smoke, then the young people frequently smoke in a quiet place.

Not Able to Solve Situation

Perhaps the situation is not like your support in mad, in speaking to people, and so you had used it to smoke. And cigarette smoke you produce can make people who scold or lecture you went away. Feelings of ill-fitting can occur when people who are near you scold you.

With so many smokers as for the above, then formed a community that many smokers. And if you do not participate, you may isolate and contemptible in too deep. At that time you do not have a friend who can make changes for the sake of the country.

Indonesia's first president is a smoker who can control himself for a certain time. So if you are current smokers rookok use as material for mengakrab i community. And the community that could be appreciated and make you more insight. So the use of cigarettes in a reasonable and not excessive can make you more appreciative of the community to follow.

Smoking is bad for health if excessive, but a lot of people smoke cigarettes lead to some social benefits like cigarette smoke. You may smoke, but do not overdo it. Just as an example, if you smoked today and buy money just for cigarettes, then buy back when the day tomorrow or day after tomorrow. Actually banned by the state, because it can damage the blood vessels in the human body. But the number of cigarette factories that produce more wealth donated to the state cigarette should be used for important events and do not overdo it to eat. Because it can damage organs in the long run.

If you are indeed a smoker, then use a solvent that could neutralize your blood so that the net return. Like drinks that can generate energy, sweet foods, and exercise. Use of these so that you can snap back if you are a smoker. Do not be too frequent smoking, because smoking is only for temporary community and only be used as material to treat people in community.

NB: If you are not a smoker, sorry do not try - try to smoke, because it is only for smokers only. :)

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