Wednesday 13 July 2011

In The Excitement Yourself To

Joy is one way humans in love life and make all they think to be very valuable, and in this life, everything you want can definitely be achieved if you want to feel happy in the face. To achieve a goal - goals that you want, then it should be able to turn up the excitement to you so that you can be a man with success in sight with delight. One time there was a beggar and conglomerate of the same - same walked to a mosque, they were met with the usual feeling alone. But when they pray, the beggar talking to himself "if I were rich, I surely could like it. Wherever the car ride, and then a beautiful wife, a lot of people who love, and always happy. ". But with that desire beggar always felt sorrow with those feelings, and beggars are always getting into trouble while trying to survive deprivation, hatred is always there in the minds of the beggar. But what happens to the tycoon said. When the conglomerate had met the beggar, he says in his heart "Thank God I can be thankful when I like him before ya allah. At that time I was always grateful when there is a fortune after I poverty stricken. And I'm also always happy when faced cobaanmu ya allah. I also had been a poor beggar like him. And may you give grace to be always happy in the face of life ya allah .. ".

Excitement that can come at any time, when you meet with your friends, when you meet your favorite animal, when you can successfully deal with problems that once you seleseikan, and so forth. But all of that can you do when you can be happy in the face of problems. Indeed, everyone in the world is full of problems, problems ntah small to large. All up to you to deal with it, because all it could have been a little when you do it with a small heart, and instead all it could be great if you think about it and feel it with great care. Severe problems tend to make the mind, heart, and your behavior become more temper when faced with the problem that you are facing. Therefore, if you find a problem then use a small heart to deal with it, and if your mind is a mess so thankful because God loves you so that you can give the exam in the form of problems. Actually, the problem does not exist in this world habisny, Only you can control it so that all could terseleseikan. To menyeleseikan the problem in a way you need to make yourself useful to others, so that you previously never menyeleseikan other people's problems before the problems you come to test you. Everything is what you get when you are always happy to deal with it. Therefore if there is a success you can achieve your goals and be successful, then gunakankah big heart to always remember everything you did when successful in dealing with issues that you can do. The excitement came at once when you can succeed in the face of problems that you are suffering now.

"You have a wonderful personality, and you can also make all as happy as you always happy in doing anything.". Last expression is one way you to make yourself more useful for yourself and for others. All that is dalah your life always be a wonderful memory, because each of your life you always use to think positive and always be a good person and devout faith in your religion i. All it requires to how you can survive a good thing, to live a peaceful, happy heart and always grateful when faced with any problem that you are doing today. Everything you do later is not spared from friends who can support all that you do today, and all of them can make a big difference if you and your friends do everything correctly. Therefore, if you are doing your daily tasks using pleasure where you can comfortably when the deal. Seemed to be a friend to play every day if you are working on the problem by working with you and your friends can make a huge change in your life.

Place you live now can make changes that could make there happy, if the atmosphere is now a comfortable, safe, and make the heart a joyous peaceful then life would always adorn each of you to become more excited. All you are doing at this particular time depends on how you react to it.

so, where you are now you can happy when you are confident in the face. When you're bored and are having severe problems though, if you believe that you will get a better joy than now, then all that will happen when you can make up your mind to think positively and always in the joy of it. People will tend to always have good properties when the person knows that is wrong and which is right. The more you know the more you grow as well in the face of everything that you have taken to achieve a better life.

Way to have fun is very simple or simple, just try it when you're no problem to go to places of entertainment that you enjoy, then the excitement came immediately and you can be a good person when someone asks bantua to you. Law is obtained from the law of attraction or "the low of attraction" which is very influential in the lives of this. Everything you think, and you believe then it will all be true. Small example if you want goods that you see in public places or markets, you believe that you can get the goods. With the desire you have a brilliant idea to have the goods. And then you can do it in accordance with the idea right track as a friend to borrow money, ask the parents, saving and so forth, then the item could be yours.

Maybe with all the excitement that you desire and your ideals - aiming to become a reality and hopefully you can keep smiling when you can grab all the precious things in your life. May be useful. :)

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