Wednesday 10 August 2011

Familiarity For All..

In this life we ​​often encounter a variety of characters in it, all of it seemed to be a normal thing when you meet your friends and meet other people to see you. All of it is a character that can not be separated and are closely related to one's nature.

However taukah you when you have a friend that can make you familiar even though you have a new friend?. If you understood all these things, then you are a nice person for themselves and others. A person's character is to be one that you have learned in this opportunity. Because by knowing the character of others then everyone will be close to you and you can understand how to approach it.

Maybe that made the difference is the nature of all different people, but all people berlum definitely understand how to approach people that are beneficial to your life. Here's a surefire way to get into the fun for others:

1. Use a smile

Smile is very great benefits for your body, and you also always happy when there is a problem. A smile can make others sympathy to you and radiate positive aura, a smile can also make your body become relaxed and calm. And a smile can make intimacy in every friend that you have encountered. Because a smile is the mirror of the positive aura and can make the circulation in the body become more fluent than before smiling. It's a smile that makes most other people are always emitted brightness to you, because that smile is the meaning of Islamic worship could always make others to smile back. Smile not only can make people healthier gradually, but also can create success in your life be more perfect. Try if you see someone using a sweet smile, then other people will always be able to smile back to you.

2. Suppose ordinary friend

Everyone can certainly make you a good friend, but when you're hit by the problem and at the time a friend you can not do that then you will always be trying to decide a good friend. Assume everyone who is close to you is a great way to make a better familiarity. Because you have become accustomed to people who think all his friends are good friends, then you can make all may be familiar.

3. Tell matters relating

Often times you are confused to talk to your friends, you might get bored or fed up with all of your problems. However, if it is excessive then a friend - your friend into a cheerful friend prefers. By sebeb that use stories related to the topic of conversation in talking to your friends, as this will make you more at prices

4. Do not cut the conversation

Someone is hung up terjengkel that makes people dislike you. Try if you have a habit as it is slowly removed. People will love you if you have a mutual understanding nature, a good pendenger. Familiarity is always there to make it follow the flow of the conversation your friend to keep you always in value in every conversation. Familiarity itself originated from a pleasant greeting, and conversation is always fun continues will make your relationship more closely.

Use like a good way to provide input, respecting all the talk, and decided the right thing. People will always be loyal if you respect others. All of that in your conversations start from scratch to make familiarity is always there.

5. Shake hands when going away

Shaking hands is an important thing, from the beginning to the end of the conversation will always respect people shake hands. Greeting and make you more respected and loved in others. Even parents like children who can shake hands and kiss the hands of their parents. Always use appropriately handshake to anyone then you can create a familiarity always in your mind.

Maybe that way you can make your friendship stay awake, but all it will not be created if you do not do it. Everyone can do it, because everyone needs a good tribute that familiarity can always be with you.

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